Friday, March 09, 2007


Welcome to the International Network for Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation home page. The aim of this blog is mainly to provide a portal for the discussion of ethical issues in resource allocation. However further discussions of distributive justice and political theory both in and outside of bioethics are also welcomed.

The network is a subsidiary of the International Association of Bioethics. If you would like to join the network, then sign up to the mailing list, which you can do in the side bar. If you are a member of the network then please email me if you want to contribute to this blog.

The network aims to bring together academics from different disciplines to discuss the issues in regards to resource allocation, while at this stage this is limited to the email list, this blog and the ethics journal table of content page that I detailed in yesterdays post it is intended to organise a conference around the network theme, and to explore the possibility of a collaborative book and/or journal/special issue. The Network was founded by myself, and Anthony Mark Cutter from the University of Central Lancashire, at the IAB conference in Beijing, 2006.

Feel free to comment on the posts, a lively discussion would be grand.