Saturday, June 30, 2007

The law of healthcare resource allocation in the UK

In the latest Journal of Medical Ethics Charles Foster has an interesting and excellent article on the legal aspects of healthcare resource allocation in the UK called Simple rationality? The law of healthcare resource allocation in the UK

You can tell an article is going to be a doozy when it starts out with a paragraph like this:

The English law relating to the allocation of healthcare resources is a game of forensic "pass the parcel". No one wants to decide, and no one wants to be seen not to want to decide. The law in this area is a set of legislative and judicial ruses to ensure that the music keeps on going until the decision is back in the hands of the Trust.

A good paper well worth the read.
Foster, C. (2007). Simple rationality? The law of healthcare resource allocation in England. J Med Ethics, 33(7), 404-407. Retrieved June 30, 2007, from